MLA 2006 - Scottish Literature Panels and Events
See also the website of the ASLS Scottish Writing Exhibition.
28 December
Orality, Literacy, Print: Technologies of the Spoken and Written Word in Scotland
12.00 - 1.15 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, 309 [event # 208]
Program arranged by the Discussion Group on Scottish Literature
Presiding: Sharon-Ruth Alker, Whitman Coll.
1. "Orality's Silence: The Other Ballad Revival," Janet L. Sorensen, Indiana Univ., Bloomington
2. "From Legendary Lore to Two-Volume Novel: The Transmission of Scottish Identity in Scott's Bride of Lammermoor ," Juliet Shields, Binghamton Univ., State Univ. of New York
3. "Translating Oral Narratives to Print: Highland Sympathies and Mrs. Grant of Laggan," Kathryn R. Ledbetter, Texas State Univ.
4. "Painting by Numbers: The Statistical Graphs of William Playfair," Celeste G. Langan, Univ. of California, Berkeley
A Celebration of David Daiches (1912-2005)
7.15 - 8.30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom, Salon L [event #328]
Presiding: William Baker, Northern Illinois Univ.
1. "Paradox and Perspective in Jane Austen, Karl Marx, and the Aristocratic Dance," Melora G. Vandersluis, Azusa Pacific Univ.
2. "David Daiches and the Reclamation of Joseph Conrad's Literary Reputation," John G. Peters, Univ. of North Texas
3. "David Daiches, Eighteenth-Century Scottish Literature, and Sir Walter Scott," Andrew D. Hook, Univ. of Glasgow
4. "'One City' of Fragments: Robert Louis Stevenson's Second (Person) City through David Daiches's Personal Eye," Caroline McCracken-Flesher, Univ. of Wyoming
29 December
Press Ganged? Revisiting Robert Louis Stevenson
8.30 - 9.45 am, Philadelphia Marriott Two, 406 [event # 361]
Presiding: John Corbett, Univ. of Glasgow
1. "Stevenson and the Ruins of Experience," Matthew F. Wickman, Brigham Young Univ., UT
2. "Jekyll, Hyde, and Modernism," Nancy Kathryn Gish, Univ. of Southern Maine, Portland
3. "Frontier Creatures: The Imaginary Characters of Weir of Hermiston ," Antony James Hasler, Saint Louis Univ.
4. "Cross-Channel Stevenson: David Balfour and the Problem of Scottish Return," Caroline McCracken-Flesher, Univ. of Wyoming
Periodicals in Romantic Edinburgh, 1802-32
1.45 - 3.00 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom, Salon I [event #470]
Presiding: Ian Duncan, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Speakers: William R. McKelvy, Washington Univ.; Rebecca Edwards Newman, Rhodes Coll.; Pam Perkins, Univ. of Manitoba; Michael Robertson, Univ. of Chicago; Mark L. Schoenfield, Vanderbilt Univ.; Robert J. Scholnick, Coll. of William and Mary
Liz Lochhead and Theresa Breslin: Two Scottish Writers in Conversation
5.15 - 6.30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, 306 [event #542]
(To be followed by an informal reading at Robin's Bookstore, 108 S. 13th Street)
Internationalizing Scottish Literature / Launch of IJSL
7.15 - 8.30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, 406 [event #584]
Presiding: Eleanor Bell, Univ. of Strathclyde
1. "Elspeth Davie in a European Light," Eleanor Bell
2. "Glasgow the Invisible: Urban Obscurity in Gray, Torrington, and Kelman," Stephen David Bernstein, Univ. of Michigan, Flint
3. "James Kelman and Uhmerka," Scott Hames, Univ. of Stirling